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Name: Beate Mönch
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 31622542143
Preferencial channel: Email
Capacities: Wellness coach, Yoga instructor
Possible work relationship: Themed Week Supporting Role, Workshop
Rate 1:
Rate 2:
Score: 70
Opinion of interviewer:

Beate seems to have a lot of expertise. She has many 1-on-1 sessions as well as experience in retreats. Usually, she focuses on a deeper understanding of what’s hidden inside, but she can adjust the workshops to a lighter manner.

Beate is in her 60s, she’s working in the same area as her husband, oftentimes they are collaborating on different workshops/retreats.

We will be back in the area in march in Carragosela/Espariz (they live in between Portugal and Amsterdam)