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Name: Rick Leigh
Phone: 351912583494
Preferencial channel: Email, Call, SMS (text), Whatsapp
Capacities: Help with Physical stuff
Possible work relationship: Sporadic Services
Rate 1: 15 Per Hour
Rate 2: 20 Per Hour
Score: 60
Opinion of interviewer:

Rick would be great for sporadic jobs here at the farm. We didn’t chat prices, but he is aware that this is always going to be an hourly rate. He is going to communicate us his rate.

Has permaculture experience, but not for teaching. Seems like a very hard worker.

Prices given by now. Very high price per hour: My prices will vary depending on what skills I am needed for..
For general help and maintenance- eg. tent assembling, fencing, garden care, handyman – €15

For more skilled work with design- eg toilet and shower facilities, pagoda, yoga platform, music band stand etc – €20